Member FAQ
How do I attend an HOA Committee meeting?
Due to Covid restrictions, all meetings will be held over "Google Meet" (an alternative to Zoom). In order to access the "Google Meet" Conference URL to login to the meeting, go to the HOA Committee Meeting Calendar located here and click on the meeting entry on the specific date the meeting will be held. After clicking on the meeting, click "More Details". Within "More Details" you will find the Google Meet Conference URL. Click on the URL and follow the prompts to enter the meeting. Note: In order to access the meeting, you must have (and be logged into) a google account.
How do I create a Google Account?
A google account is free and can be created by following the tutorial here.
How do I join a Google Meet Meeting?
Joining a Google Meet Meeting is easy. Click here to view a YouTube video on how to join. Note: It is recommended to use a Chrome Web Browser for optimal performance. Click here to install a Chrome Web Browser.
Who do I contact if I have any questions on HOA payments or other financials?
All financials with Keyslanding HOA, including HOA Payments, is handled by Michelle Laborie (